Hi there, I am Pastor Justin, let me introduce myself:

I am a Disciple of Jesus, Husband to Kim, Father to Maddie, friend to many and part-time adventure seeker. I love spending time in nature, physical fitness, exploring the world of ideas, and dreaming big dreams. But most importantly I recognize the value that relationships bring to my life and more significantly, the value I can add to others’ lives through service.

First and foremost, I try to organize my life around relationships. As humans we thrive when we are in healthy relationships. I believe the best way to achieve optimal thriving is through becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. His life, death and resurrection display the lengths that God the Father was willing to go through in order to re-establish relationship with me. This not only changes my standing in God’s eyes, but it provides an example for me to follow in establishing relationships with other people and the world around me. The Holy Spirit then empowers me to live a life of continual redemption and transformation.

One of my passions is helping people understand who God is, what His character is really like, and why that matters in a world with so many distorted and different ideas about Divinity. I believe the Bible is the authoritative source for discovering this reality and learning to trust Him because He is precisely who He claimed to be as revealed in Jesus.

My hope is that if you come visit our church once or attend regularly, that you will get a clearer picture of who God is, not just through our words but through our actions as well.

Blessings on your journey towards that day when we will see Him face to face!